5 best attractions to visit in Pompeii Italy

In 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted and destroyed the city of Pompeii. The city was suddenly blanketed by a deadly volcanic ash cloud where a lot of people perished before they could escape.

Through excavations, we are discovering the hidden treasures of Pompeii.

Here are the 5 best attractions to visit in Pompeii Italy; the Amphitheater, the Forum, Bronze statues, the food shop, and the plaster casts.

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The Amphitheater built around 70 BC, is one of the earliest and oldest amphitheaters built of stone. The word amphitheater is Greek for “theater with seats on all sides”. Circular and oval in shape, the amphitheater’s raised levels means audiences in all seats, have a bird’s eye view of the action.


The Amphitheater in Pompeii was used as an entertainment venue hosting gladiator contests, religious celebrations and animal executions.

Today, the amphitheater is used as an open-air concert destination for international music artists.

Want to book tickets to Pompeii? Book here.



The Forum was the center of daily life in ancient Pompeii. Forum means “ a place of assembly“. A rectangular open area, it was the central business district which housed public buildings for; city administration, justice, business management, markets, bath houses and places of worship.


The Forum would have been the place to meet, do business, or sell goods. Walking through the ancient ruins of Pompeii, piece by piece you learn more and more about this fascinating city.

Another experience you won’t want to miss!

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Bronze Statues

The citizens of Pompeii worshiped many Graeco-Roman gods. So they built bronze statues of these gods which are scattered throughout the city.

One popular statue is the Centaur. The Centaur is a creature from Greek mythology with the upper body of a human and lower body of a horse.

The Centaur was a wild, unpredictable creature known for its cruelty and chaotic behavior.

These bronze statues are representative of the Greek influence in both Pompeii and also Rome.

Food Shop

The Food Shop or “Thermopolium”, was an important feature in Pompeii society. The Thermopolium or “cook shops”, were the place to buy ready made hot food.


These “cook shops” are similar to our current day fast food restaurants.

Plaster casts

Those who didn’t escape are forever remembered by the body imprints that are now immortalised in plaster. Telling a story of sudden death with no way out. A moment frozen in time.

Their bodies no longer exist but these plaster casts give us an insight of that fateful day.

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As excavation continues at the site, regular discoveries help us learn more and more about this intriguing city.

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