5 reasons you should give solo travel a try

Want to travel but don’t have anyone to go with? No problem. Don’t delay your trip. There is a wonderful world just waiting for you to explore. Solo travel is amazing and once you try it, you’ll never look back.

Here are five reasons you should try solo travel; confidence building, freedom, meeting people, getting out of your comfort zone and becoming self-reliant.

Confidence building

Travelling solo builds confidence. You can travel on your own without having to rely on anyone else. You return home with this new found confidence and it will enrich your life in all areas.

Experience builds on experience. The next solo trip will be easier because you know what to expect. You’re no longer a newbie but a seasoned expert!


Solo travel means freedom. The ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Feel like relaxing by the pool, go shopping or sightseeing? Do it! The decisions are yours to make without having to consider others. It’s your time to be selfish.

Meeting people

You will meet so many people travelling solo. Why? Other travellers are reluctant to approach or start a conversation with a group of people but find it easier to talk with a solo traveller.

You will meet many travellers this way and think of all the interesting conversations you’ll have. You may even make life long friends.

Getting out of your comfort zone

We love our comfort zones! We feel stable and safe there. Solo travel has the added benefit of pushing you outside your comfort zone. You experience new, exciting changes. Eventually everything becomes familiar again, hello comfort zone!

Becoming self-reliant

Similar to confidence building, you learn to be self-reliant as a solo traveller. Relying on your own resources. You are self-sufficient, strong, independent and resilient.

Strength of character has never been so attractive!

A bit worried about travelling alone?

Is this your first time travelling solo? Don’t be worried or overwhelmed. Ease yourself into a solo trip by taking a tour with others. It will be combination of group and alone time.

Also if you are planning an international solo trip, why not travel somewhere close to home first to build your confidence? Or do something by yourself. Go out for a meal or attend a function.

This way once the big trip happens, you will have some solo experience up your sleeve to draw from.

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Be brave. You can do it.

You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

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1 thought on “5 reasons you should give solo travel a try”

  1. Pingback: Solo travel reflections - The Smart Travelista

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